Monday, January 7, 2013

What I Want for My Birthday

So, my birthday is this week. I won’t tell you how old I will be but suffice to say I will be 39 again J I am sure everybody reading this is scrambling to figure out what to get me. Not to worry! I will just come straight out and tell ya.

I want food!

No, seriously and I’m not being cheeky. I want food for my birthday.

Well, I actually don’t want you to give me the food. I want you to give it to your local food bank or any other organization that serves the food insecure in your area. Go take a peek in your kitchen pantry. See that can of beans, soup or tuna or that bag of rice or that unopened jar of peanut butter? That’s what your local food bank needs.

You’re voice, you’re time are just as important as anything that would be given in kind. SO, I want something else for my birthday. I want you to pass this along. Encourage others to donate food or their time to their local organizations.

Don’t know where to donate in your local area? FeedingAmerica can help.

Not in the U.S.? Check out the Global FoodBanking Network 

Want to donate your time and support other great organizations serving the food insecure? One concept that I love is the Community Café. If you live in the Denver area, you may be familiar with  SAME Café. They are a restaurant that runs on a pay what you can model just like many others around the United States. Find one near you and go have a birthday lunch for me.
Make my birthday this year the best one ever!!

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